Friday, March 17, 2017

Face to Fake

HELLO EVERYONE! Daniel and I just had the most productive meeting after school! We created a storyboard draft for our short film AS WELL as a completed outline for it (which is the loose ends we needed to tie before I shared it). Now… for the moment you’ve all been waiting for… here is our story:

Jasmin is our Latina 17 year old high school senior protagonist. She would be childhood best friends with John. John is her 17 year old high school senior best friend. They were everything to each other and were platonically in love. Jasmin is bi-sexual and does not feel anything romantic/sexual towards John. They developed the same hobbies as one another together throughout their childhood and as they grow older. However, during their senior year John gets a girlfriend, Alexa. It is to be kept in mind that Jasmin is a liberal and John is a left-leaning moderate. Alexa absolutely despises Jasmin and is incredibly jealous of how close she is with John. Alexa completely discredits Jasmin being bisexual and believes her to be nothing more than a greedy lesbian. She is jealous that she can never have the closeness with John that Jasmin has with him- so the only thing she can do is destroy that closeness. She tells John that she doesn’t think that Jasmin is a good influence on him and she doesn’t like that they are hanging out with one another. John starts to hang out less and less with Jasmin, and he begins to take on the beliefs of Alexa regarding Jasmin. Jasmin isn’t jealous of Alexa, but it is clear to her that John is unhappy and that this isn’t who John really is. Jasmin is under the illusion that maybe John is unhappy because of something that she is doing. Jasmin tries to save their relationship, attempting to revive it by bringing back the old memories and interests which they shared-but it isn’t working. She becomes upset when nothing that she is doing seems to be working. Jasmin and John get into a huge fight, where John tells Jasmin that she is acting fake. She thinks, “Well, maybe I am, maybe everything John and I had together isn’t real. Maybe I didn’t really care for everything we did, and maybe I just put on a persona of someone who I’m not.” John tells Jasmin that she needs to leave him alone forever. She is incredibly upset about this, and has a breakdown. During this breakdown she attempts to metaphorically kill this puppet which she and John had created as children during their filming adventures. She associates the puppet with everything that she and John were, believing that the old her was just a fake persona which she created for herself. After this breakdown she decides not to pursue her interests anymore with the mindset that she only liked those things because John liked those things. She soon realizes that despite her giving up the pursuits which she and John enjoyed together, John still doesn’t want to be her friend and she is very unhappy. This makes her realize that she genuinely enjoyed those hobbies and that they are things which matter to her. Although she is sad about her broken friendship with John, she can find happiness without him, and she has to put herself and her interests first.

*wipes forehead* That sure was a lot! And again, not everything written here will be included in our introduction, but making an outline of an entire plot allows Daniel and I to create an introduction that is a part of a whole rather than just a part in itself.

Until next post,

Nicole Abuid

Kramer Bussel, R. Why Don;t People Take Bisexuality Seriously?

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